Map of the ncr fallout
Map of the ncr fallout

Less than a century after its founding, the Republic is a model example of post-apocalyptic success and good ethics. The states are Shady, Los Angeles, Maxson, Hub and Dayglow. Three years later, in 2189, the Republic proper was voted into existence as a federation of five states organized around major settlements in the wastes. The idea resonated with other wastelanders and won popular support, leading to the formation of the New California Republic in Shady Sands in 2186, with a trial council government established to draft the constitution. With expanding trade routes came cultural exchange, eventually culminating in a movement aiming at forming a national entity. With the assistance of the Vault Dweller, who destroyed the Khan raider tribe, Aradesh and his daughter, Tandi, led the community into prosperity. The history of the New California Republic dates back to the survivors of Vault 15 who emerged from the shelter around 2097, founding the town of Shady Sands. Main article: History of the New California Republic įor endings related to the faction, see this article for Fallout 2 and this one for Fallout: New Vegas. The New California Republic is mentioned in the endings for Fallout, and grows to become a major faction in two subsequent games focusing on geopolitical struggles: In Fallout 2 it faces New Reno and Vault City in the competition for control over the northern half of California, while in Fallout: New Vegas it faces the Caesar's Legion in a titanic struggle for control over the Mojave and the future of the American Southwest which, according to some, can be described as the single greatest geopolitical conflict since the Great War. The NCR is often criticized by residents of the Mojave wasteland as well as other factions for being hawkish, imperialistic, poorly managed and over-extended in the region, and trying to attempt to emulate old world values that led to nuclear holocaust in the first place. Similar to institutions of the old world it seeks to emulate, continued expansion has created challenges with territorial control, loyalty, and corruption that plague the Republic and serve to hinder its goals. It also aims to restore general order to the wasteland, the improvement and development of infrastructure and economic systems, and overarching peace between people. The NCR emphasizes and strives to support a plethora of old world values, such as democracy, personal liberty, and the rule of law. It is comprised of five contiguous states located in southern California, with additional territorial holdings in northern California, Oregon, and Nevada.

map of the ncr fallout

The New California Republic ( NCR) is a post-war republic founded in New California.

Map of the ncr fallout